Jan 20, 2014


From the blackness of the universe
Shone one milky star
Dim and shivering with its new light
And here I am
In this modern world
New raw aching
For something that I just cannot name
I am free and scattered
Across the black of this universe
But free
As free as those of mine were not
I waste moments
Take chances for granted
Were born with no chances
Under someone else’s hand
And choices were hopes
That stolen moments
Would bring a peace
That could never be known in life
The roots in grasping earth
Need be turned
Us go back
Them have chances we waste
Choices we take for granted
Through the blackness
Exchange places
We would all know
I would know
Something I do not
How I got here,
A soul owning a soul
What they wanted
            Life unchained