Jun 21, 2014


these are my new obsession...

check it out...it's worth it

21 June 14 - Journo...

a good friend
came to me in a dream
eyes full of tears
despite his hope
his hurt was so great
that it spanned the widths and depths
of his heart
entered my dream
a thousand miles away
and all i could do was
give in to his pain and
wrap my arms around him
let his tears stain my dress
we are friends
that's what we do
cry each other's tears
hold each other up through the dark
even in dreams

Jun 15, 2014

One Truth...?

Everyone is searching for truth. A truth. THE Truth.
Is there only one truth out there?
There are approximately 7 billion people on this planet and there are exactly that many versions of the truth there are being sought.
Some of us find it.
Some of us never do.
There are some people who never even look or even try to find it. They're content to be just who and what they are.
I have no idea where I fall in that. I just know that I am completely unsatisfied with this version of my life. I can only hope there is a me in a parallel life...a life where every decision I never made lives on...I can only hope that version of me is satisfied with her life as it is, because this version is shitty...
Ever so shitty.